

Within the Rotary organization, there are 7 focus areas for community service and social activities that have been determined by Rotary International. These seven areas are:

  1. Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution
  2. Disease Prevention and Treatment
  3. Water and Sanitation
  4. Maternal and Child Health
  5. Basic Education and Literacy
  6. Economic and Community Development
  7. Environment

Rotary Club of Bali Taman is a club that is known for its dynamic activities, so that almost every year it wins the title of The Best Club in  District 3420 (East Indonesia). Various community services in the Rotary Club of Bali Taman always refer to Rotary’s 7 focus areas.

Of the seven focus areas determined by Rotary International, there is one area that the members of the Rotary Club of Bali Taman paid attention to at the beginning of the formation of their club, namely Disease Prevention and Treatment. Since its founding in 1991, the members of the Rotary Club of Bali Taman have really wanted to create an eternal, sustainable project, which is often referred to as a signature project. At that time all RC Bali Taman members were women, so they wanted to create a project aimed specifically at women in Bali. With a long struggle, they finally succeeded in forming a project called K3W, Women’s Health Mobile Clinic, which was formed in 1997. The project is still operating to this day, serving women in villages by providing reproductive organ health education as well as Pap smears and/or Acetic Acid Visual Inspection free test.

Apart from Disease Prevention and Treatment, RC Bali Taman also focuses on 3 very frequently carried out community services, namely donating books, computers and other equipment to schools (Basic Education & Literacy), making water reservoir for villages that have difficulty getting clean water. (Water & Sanitation) and regularly planting trees every year (Environment). All of these activities are carried out either with the help of international sponsors or with funds we raise ourselves.

Indeed as a club, what we do is not only projects, we also do other activities such as fellowship, networking, club meetings, campaigning for Polio, disaster relief, and many more. You may find our activities in the other activities page.

Peace Building & Conflict Prevention

Although in general this area of focus is not immediately relevant to the condition of the community in Bali, Rotary Club of Bali Taman strive to participate in conflict prevention and promoting peace. Guide by our district, one of the way in doing this, is by helping communities in crucial time such as during covid 19 pandemic, by giving aways staple food which was needed the most at that time.

We also conducting Indonesia Independence Day every year, as part of our effort to keep the community engage in what keeping us together, our beloved country. Other than that, Bali Taman actively join many projects from Bali Area or District 3420 to promote peace such as the Peace Run by Shri Chinmoy foundation which we supporting yearly. 

Disease Prevention & Treatment

By having the signature project Klinik Keliling Kesehatan Wanita, or what is often known as WHMC – Women’s Health Mobile Clinic, every year this focus area is always run by Rotary Club of Bali Taman. The following is a recapitulation of data from WHMC from 1997 to 2023:

Number of women given counseling on reproductive health – 31.174 women and still counting

The number of women who received free Pap smear / IVA test services – 24,886 women and still counting

Before the pandemic, the average number of WHMC visits to banjars or villages in Bali was 6 times per month. And at each visit, the average number of participants attending was 25 people. Now that we slowly back to epidemic state, we try to serve the community at least twice a month.

To find out more details about our signature project please click here.

Apart from WHMC, RC Bali Taman also carries out activities related to the Prevention and Treatment of other diseases such as Thalassemia Seminars, Donation of glasses for school children, Donation of Ambulance units and Blood Donation Cars as well as donations of heavy equipment for Hospitals.

Water & Sanitation

This focus area is one of the most activities carried out by the Rotary Club of Bali Taman every year. This activity was carried out by building water reservoirs in many villages that had difficulty getting clean water, especially in East and North of Bali. Most of the projects are sustain til this day and the number of recipients keep on growing. For bigger water problems, Rotary Club of Bali Taman help the community by applying Global Grants. Here are some of our water & sanitation projects funded by Global Grant that is still sustain up to this day :

Apart from building reservoirs, related activities also carried out, such as :

  • Making and/or repairing toilets in schools and communities with poor sanitation.
  • Making hand washing stations in schools and public facilities  which were carried out long before the pandemic.
  • Making and/or repairing septic tank for school with special needs children. 
  • Giving education to children and adults about how important to keep personal and community hygiene

Rotary Club of Bali Taman support the local government on their goal of making Bali as a province with zero Open Defecation. We have been helping many villages to reach their goal, one toilet at a time. Here are some of the documentation :

Maternal and Child Health

The health of mothers and children is always Rotary Club of Bali Taman’s concern. Before the government put their attention to number of children with stunting, Bali Taman had already routinely carried out activities with the local healthcare facility such as posyandu and puskesmas in the form of providing free health tests and healthy food packages for pregnant women and toddlers.

In the year of 2020, Indonesian government start pushing their concern on food resilience. Each province must start producing staple food other than rice, and to strive in sustaining their product and demand. This is very closely related to the health of pregnant women and babies, and eventually can reduce stunting. Bali Taman supporting this cause by encouraging and help farmers to produce sorghum. 

Basic Education & Literacy

Education is an important thing that is underlined in Rotary Club of Bali main activities every year. Some of the things that Bali Taman has done related to this focus area are:

  1. Scholarships and tuition fees
  2. Donation of electronic equipment to schools in the form of computers, laptops and projectors
  3. Build a library
  4. Donate books to libraries, communities and schools

Generous contributors for yearly education project such as Rotary Club of Northbridge and several other organizations, plays a big role for Bali Taman in their effort to run this focus area. 

Economic and Community Development

In its role in developing the community economy, Rotary Club of Bali Taman throughout its history has built several communities which in the Rotary organization are referred to as RCC – Rotary Community Corps. This community was built to empower the community to carry out activities that can ultimately help the economy of its members and the region. The following are several RCCs that have been formed by RC Bali Taman and their activities:

  1. RCC TIRTA AMERTA, ID#84034, est. 1995, Pesaban, Karangasem – Clean water management
  2. RCC WERDHI TOYA ENING, ID#89495, est. 2008, Ban, Karangasem – Clean water management
  3. RCC TOYA MACANG, ID#89669, est. 2007, Macang – Clean water management
  4. RCC SABA ASRI, ID#92275, est. 2018, Saba, Gianyar – Turtle Conservation
  5. RCC PETANI MUDA APUAN, est. 2022, Tabanan – Organic Farm

Rotary Club of Bali Taman is also doing seminars, group discussion and events for small enterprises, to help them grow and economically sustain. 


Rotary International has just established focus area for the Environment in the last few years. However, Rotary Club of Bali Taman has been putting environmental projects in their yearly agenda since the club is formed in 1991. One of the routine activities every year is planting trees and supporting turtle conservations throughout Bali island.